
Sun Rock Star by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Sun Rock Star by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Sun Rock Star by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karya oleh : FachriFHR
Follow FachriFHR di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : FachriFHR, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Sun
- I Hope They’re Stronger Than Me
- The Blood of Monkey Will Never Die
- Is There a Ninja Who Stole My Doppelgangers ?
- Take This !

Latar Belakang :
Sun lahir dari sebuah batu, sudah luar biasa sejak awal. Dulu dia disematkan dibawah gunung oleh sang Dewa, terjebak dan tidak bisa bergerak. Saat itu, dia melihat waktu terus berjalan dan dunia sudah mulai berubah. Meski tubuhnya ditutupi oleh salju yang membeku, ia sangat merindukan kebebasan dalam hatinya. Menunggu waktu yang tepat dan kesempatan untuk melarikan diri, dia meneriakkan “Freedom” (“Kebebasan”) berulang kali dan akhirnya mengakhiri pemenjaraannya lalu ia tertawa sambil menjauh. Sekarang, akhirnya Sun sampai di Tanah Fajar ini. Jiwa monyet yang terlahir dari bebatuan ini tidak bisa dilepas lagi dan akan mulai membangun legendanya lagi.
Background Sun

Sun was born from a rock, it's been amazing from the beginning. He used to be pinned under the mountain by the God, trapped and unable to move. At that time, he saw time keep going and the world was beginning to change. Although his body was covered by frozen snow, he longed for freedom in his heart. Waiting for the right time and opportunity to escape, he shouts "Freedom" repeatedly and finally ends his imprisonment and laughs as he moves away. Now, finally Sun comes to this Land of the Morning. The monkey soul born from these rocks can not be removed and will start building legend again.

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