
Chou Hip-Hop Boy by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Chou Hip-Hop Boy by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Chou Hip-Hop Boy by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karya oleh : FachriFHR
Follow FachriFHR di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : FachriFHR, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Chou
- Wipe Out Fully Injustice in The World
- Now Knowing Oneself, That’s The Worst
- In The World of Kung Fu, Speed Defines The Winner
- The Man Who Can Bet Me Has Not Been Born Yet
- Everybody Has Started This Somewhere
- Boxing is Not The Way to Hurt Somebody But in Order to

Latar Belakang :
Chou lahir di tempat kumuh di tengah kemiskinan, menjalani kualitas hidup yang paling rendah. Meski kondisi ini mengerikan, Chou tetap menjaga kebaikan hatinya menjaga dan merawat orang-orang disana dengan penuh semangat. Pada saat itu, terjadilah gejolak kerusuhan besar di Tanah Fajar. Penganiayaan mulai menyebar ke seluruh tempat sampai akhirnya masuk mempengaruhi ke tempat terpencil ini. Suatu hari, Chou menolong biksu mistik yang dikejar para penculik dan membawanya ke tempat kumuh ini agar ia bisa merawatnya. Sebaga imbalannya, biksu tersebut memberikan keterampilan Ancient Asian Kung-Fu (Kung-Fu Asia Kuno) kepada Chou dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dunia memerlukan pahlawan sejati untuk mengakhiri kekacauan. Chou bersumpah dan kemudian tanpa melihat kebelakang ia berjalan menuju Tanah Fajar untuk menjadi pahlawan sejati. Saat Chou pergi, biksu itu mengangguk dan menghilang kedalam bayang-bayang.
Background Chou

Chou was born in a slum in the midst of poverty, living the lowest quality of life. Despite this terrible condition, Chou still keeps his kindness guarding and caring for the people there eagerly. At that time, there was a turmoil of great unrest in the Land of the Morning. The persecution started spreading all over the place until it finally entered into affect to this remote place. One day, Chou rescues the mystical priest who is being chased by the kidnappers and takes him to this slum so he can take care of him. In return, the monk gave Ancient Asian Kung-Fu (Kung-Fu Ancient Asian) Ancient Skill to Chou and told him that the world needed a true hero to end the chaos. Chou swore and then without looking back he walked towards the Land of the Morning to become a true hero. As Chou leaves, the monk nods and disappears into the shadows.

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