
Rafaela Biomedic & Argus Catastrophe by Haritsfarizi - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Rafaela Biomedic & Argus Catastrophe by Haritsfarizi - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Rafaela Biomedic & Argus Catastrophe by Haritsfarizi - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Digambar oleh : Haritsfarizi
Follow Haritsfarizi di : Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : Haritsfarizi, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Rafaela
- Healing Prayers For You
- Wherever I Go, Pain Flees
- Knowledge and Faith are Always My Companions

Latar Belakang :
Rafaela adalah malaikat yang secara ajaib mampu menyembuhkan luka apapun. Konon ketika dia lewat maka semua rasa sakit lenyap, semua luka langsung sembuh, dan semua setan bubar seperti air hujan yang berhenti saat matahari terbit. Sekarang Rafaela turun ke Tanah Fajar dengan harapan dapat memberikan kedamaian.
Background Rafaela

Rafaela is an angel who magically is able to heal any wounds. It is said that when he passes then all the pain disappears, all the wounds immediately healed, and all the demons disperse like rain water that stops at sunrise. Now Rafaela came to the Land of Dawn in the hope of bringing peace.

Quotes Hero Argus
- Power Means Eternity !
- Immortality or Death !?
- All Shall Perish by My Sword
- Immortality
- Justice is The Last Refuge of Strength
- Fight, The Enemies !

Latar Belakang :
Argus dan Rafaela adalah malaikat surga yang turun ke Tanah Fajar secara bersamaan, yang satu bertanggung jawab memberantas kejahatan dan satunya lagi memberantas penderitaan / kesakitan. Saat Argus melewati pertempuran yang besar, ia terobsesi dengan mengejar kekuasaan. Dalam suatu pertempuran ia mendegar seruan makhluk kuno, Argus mulai kehilangan kendali dan hancur. Argus mengorbankan nyawanya sendiri supaya pedangnya bisa mendapatkan kekuatan lebih besar lagi. Sekarang, ia keliling dunia untuk mencari peperangan sehingga ia bisa menghabiskan lebih banyak nyawa lagi dengan pedangnya.
Background Argus

Argus and Rafaela are heaven angels who come down to the Land of Dawn simultaneously, one is responsible for combating crime and the other to combat suffering / pain. When Argus passes a great battle, he is obsessed with pursuing power. In a battle he heard the cry of an ancient creature, Argus began to lose control and crumble. Argus sacrificed his own life so that his sword could gain even greater strength. Now, he travels the world in search of war so he can spend more lives with his sword.

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