
Moskov Yasha by Defrikh - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Moskov Yasha by Defrikh - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Moskov Yasha by Defrikh - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Digambar oleh : Defrikh
Follow Defrikh di : Instagram
Copyright of : Defrikh, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Moskov
- The Path of Vengeance Burns Me
- Everyone Changes, So Do I
- Death is Required
- Fate is So Unfair
- Struggle and Resistence Are Useless
- Death is Quiet and Pleasant
- The Spear of Destiny Hit Me, and Will Hit You
- I Have Already Fallen to The Abyss
- I Can’t Die, Not Now

Latar Belakang :
Moskov menjadi tenar sejak Dhamu Tournament (Turnamen Dhamu), sudah menjadi master pertempuran di masa mudanya. Ia mewarisi keterampilan perang tombak keluarganya dan menjadi pemimpin klan Wildsand berikutnya, membuat dia semakin dicintai dan dihormati banyak orang. Melihat klan Wildsand hari ke hari semakin kuat, The Khan of Thornwolf (Khan sang Raja Thornwolf) yang merupakan penguasa tertinggi di Hietala Grassland tidak bisa duduk tenang. Suatu hari ketika anak-anak klan Wildsand sedang pergi berburu, ia membantai seluruh klan dengan pasukannya sendiri. Tempat itu hancur karena peperangan, darah mengalir seperti sungai namun masih ada sedikit kehangatan dari anggota keluarga yang kehilangan. Melihat ini semua, Moskov tentu tidak tahan lagi. Tapi yang lebih parahnya, Khan mengirim kavaleri tangguh untuk mengadakan pesta berburu Moskov yang merupakan satu-satunya orang yang berhasil lolos dari pembantaian itu. Kejadian ini membuat Moskov menjadi kejam dan pemikiran balas dendam yang terus menghantuinya. Namun Khan terlalu kuat untuk dikalahkan, akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk masu ke Abyss of Shadow (Jurang Kegelapan) dan melayani sang Ratu. Sejak itu, ia pun menjadi terkenal sebagai The Spear of Quiescence (Tombak Sunyi).
Background Moskov

Moskov has been famous since the Dhamu Tournament (Dhamu Tournament), already a master of combat in his youth. He inherited his family's spear wars skills and became the leader of the next Wildsand clan, making him more loved and respected by many. Seeing the Wildsand clan increasingly stronger day, The Khan of Thornwolf (Khan the King Thornwolf) who is the supreme ruler of Hietala Grassland can not sit quietly. One day when the Wildsand clan sons were out hunting, he slaughtered the entire clan with his own army. The place was destroyed by war, blood flowed like a river but there was still a bit of warmth from a lost family member. Seeing all this, Moskov certainly could not take it anymore. But to make matters worse, Khan sent a formidable cavalry to hold a Moskov hunt party that was the only person who had escaped the massacre. This incident made Moskov become cruel and retaliatory thoughts that continue to haunt him. But Khan was too strong to be defeated, eventually he decided to go to the Abyss of Shadow and serve the Queen. Since then, he has become known as The Spear of Quiescence.

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