
Hayabusa Shadow of Iga - Original Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Hayabusa Shadow of Iga - Original Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Hayabusa Shadow of Iga - Original Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Oleh : Mobile Legends : Bang Bang Developer
Copyright of : Mobile Legends, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Hayabusa
- Let Me Clear The Way For My Master
- Betrayal Must Be Paidback By Blood !
- Hey, Mind Your Weakness !
- Body Must Obey The Mind
- Have You Seen Any Other Ninja ?
- Witness The True Power of The Shadow
- The Shadow Will Pierce You
- I Will Not Escape, That’s The Way of The Ninja

Latar Belakang :
Di kota Iga, ninja terkuat dari setiap generasi menerima sebutan Shadow yang bertanggung jawab atas misi yang paling berbahaya dan paling sulit untuk melindungi kota Iga hari demi hari tanpa sepengetahuan penduduk. Saat ini, bayangan Iga yang baru saja diurapi, Hayabusa, telah diangkut ke Tanah Fajar untuk melakukan misi yang paling berbahaya dan sulit yaitu mencari dan membunuh generasi Shadow sebelumnya yang sudah mengkhianati dan membunuh temannya, seseorang yang pernah di puji-puji sebagai ninja Iga sejak lama.
Background Hayabusa

In the city of Iga, the strongest ninjas of every generation receive the Shadow name that is responsible for the most dangerous and most difficult mission to protect the city of Iga day after day without the knowledge of the population. Today, the shadow of the newly anointed Iga, Hayabusa, has been transported to the Land of the Morning to perform the most dangerous and difficult mission of locating and killing the previous Shadow generation that has betrayed and killed his friend, someone who has been praised as a ninja Iga since long.

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