
Zilong & Chang'e by Miyusaashibara - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Zilong & Chang'e by Miyusaashibara - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Zilong & Chang'e by Miyusaashibara - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Digambar oleh : Miyusaashibara
Follow Miyusaashibara di : Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : Miyusaashibara, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Zilong
- Zhao Dragonborn is Here
- HAHAHA… Your Whole Body is a Weak Spot
- Your Impudence Will Not be Tolerated
- Only The Fearless Heart Can Sort of The Heaven
- It Would Take an Army to Stop Me
- There’s Glory and Redemption in Every Death

Latar Belakang :
Zilong adalah anak dari Great Dragon (Naga Besar), bersumpah untuk berkeliaran dari dunia ke dunia untuk membantu penguasa bijak atas keputusan Dragon. Kapanpun raja baru membutuhkan kekuatan, Zilong melintasi ruang dan waktu untuk menyingkirkan rintangan dan musuh sebelum raja dengan menggunakan teknik pertarungan tombak yang dikaruniai oleh Great Dragon.
Background Zilong

Zilong is the son of the Great Dragon, vowing to roam from world to world to help the sage ruler over Dragon's decision. Whenever the new king needed strength, Zilong crossed space and time to remove obstacles and enemies before the king using a spear fight technique endowed by the Great Dragon.

Quotes Hero Chang'e
- One, two, three, four, five. Wow, look at all these carrots!
- Isn't my master just the greatest?
- Huh? Which way is home?
- Hey! Not so high! Don't you know I'm afraid of heights?
- Hmmm, why is my little bunny gone?
- What is this place? Hmm, it looks like we may be lost.
- Quick! Run! Brother is coming!

Latar Belakang :
Chang’e berasal dari daerah misterius di daerah timur dan merupakan murid termuda dari The Great Dragon. Di usianya yang sangat muda, Chang’e sudah menunjukkan potensi sihirnya dengan menguasai begitu cepat begitu banyak sihir dari The Great Dragon yang sudah dikenalkan kepadanya. Bahkan di umurnya yang masih sangat belia, ia berhasil mempelajari teknik rahasia The Great Dragon yaitu Sacred Satellite sekaligus mendapatkan kebaikan hati sang naga. Namun, kecintaan Chang’e terhadap alam kadang membuat sang naga pusing dibuatnya.
Akhirnya, sang naga memutuskan bahwa ia tidak harus lagi menjaga dan mengajarkan muridnya yang begitu pintar dan lucu ini. The Great Dragon pun memutuskan untuk menyerahkan ia ke anak angkatnya, Zilong, untuk menjaga Chang’e. Ia berharap Zilong yang begitu rajin dan bersikap tabah bisa memberikan sedikit perubahan ke Chang’e. Zilong pun sangat mencintai Chang’e seperti adiknya sendiri, tidak hanya dari menemaninya belajar sihir, namun juga menemukan makhluk kahyangan untuk bermain bersamanya. Chang’e pun sangat suka saat bersama dengan kakaknya, terutama ketika selesai latihan, Zilong seringkali menggendongnya.
Setelah Second War of Planes pecah, Zilong diperintahkan oleh tuannya untuk menemani sang Wise Rulers of the Land. Ia berjalan jauh ke berbagai tempat berbahaya dan berhasil mencapai banyak hal, namun jauh di dalam lubuk hatinya, Zilong sangat rindu dengan adiknya. Setelah Zilong pergi, Chang’e merasa ada yang hilang di dalam hidupnya. Ia tidak dapat membantu dan harus membuang jauh-jauh mimpi bahagianya tersebut. Tapi ketika Chang’e mengetahui bahwa kakaknya tersebut ada di Land of Dawn. Chang’e pun mengambil senjata rahasia dari The Great Dragon dan diam-diam pergi untuk mencari kakaknya, Zilong.
Background Chang'e

Chang'e comes from a mysterious region in the east and is the youngest disciple of The Great Dragon. At a very young age, Chang'e has shown his magical potential by mastering so quickly that so much magic from The Great Dragon has been introduced to him. Even at the very young age, he managed to learn the secret techniques of The Great Dragon is Sacred Satellite and get the goodness of the dragon's heart. However, Chang'e's love of nature sometimes makes the dragon dizzy made.
Finally, the dragon decides that he no longer has to take care of and teach this so clever and fun student. The Great Dragon decided to hand him over to his adopted son, Zilong, to guard Chang'e. He hopes that Zilong who is so industrious and stoic can give little change to Chang'e. Zilong also loves Chang'e like his own sister, not only from accompanying him to learn magic, but also finding the heavenly beings to play with him. Chang'e was very fond of when together with his brother, especially when finished training, Zilong often carry him.
After the Second War of Planes broke out, Zilong was ordered by his master to accompany the Wise Rulers of the Land. He walked far to dangerous places and managed to accomplish many things, but deep inside his heart, Zilong missed his sister very much. After Zilong leaves, Chang'e feels there is something missing in his life. He can not help and must throw away his happy dreams. But when Chang'e learned that his brother was in the Land of Dawn. Chang'e also took the secret weapon from The Great Dragon and secretly went to look for his brother, Zilong.

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