
Lesley Black Rose Admiral by Ceridwen Art - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Lesley Black Rose Admiral by Ceridwen Art - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Lesley Black Rose Admiral by Ceridwen Art - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Digambar oleh : Ceridwen Art
Follow Ceridwen  Art di : Facebook | Deviantart
Copyright of : Ceridwen Art, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Lesley
- I am Ready, Give Me a Target !
- Hehe... I am neither the hungry wolf... nor the sacrificial lamb
- Enemy in range! And you are too
- Hehehe... remember to tell my brother... it's dinner time! He...
- You won't even know I've missed
- Bernyanyi (Crosshair lock you down, death kisses you on the forehead)

Latar Belakang :
Lesley hidup sebagai bagian dari keluarga Vance yang merupakan keluarga bangsawan, ayahnya selalu dikawal oleh keamanan bangsawan. Ketika keluarganya diserang oleh keluarga bangsawan lain, ayahnya terbunuh.Sejak kematian ayahnya, keluarga lawan semakin mendekat masuk ke kediaman keluarga Vance ini. Lesley pun segera mengambil senapan panjang milik ayahnya, ia mulai menembak ke arah lawan. Walaupun air mata membanjiri pipinya, Lesley berhasil mengalahkan setiap musuh yang mendekat dengan senapan ayahnya. Lesley pun akhirnya dirawat oleh keluarga ini, ia dipercayai untuk mengurus Harley si pewaris tunggal keluarga Vance. Harley ini lumayan lincah dan kadang suka buat onar, tapi Lesley bisa mengatasinya. Setelah mendengar Harley pergi ke Tanah Fajar, Lesley diam-diam mengikutinya dengan membawa senapan terpercayanya. Setelah melewati jalan panjang yang sulit, ia bertemu Harley ditengah jalan yang sudah berubah dari lelaki kecil kekanak-kanakan menjadi seorang pria dewasa. Lesley pun memutuskan untuk membawa Harley ke Tanah Fajar agar Harley menjadi lebih hebat lagi.
Background Lesley

Lesley lived as part of Vance's family, a noble family, whose father was always escorted by the noble security. When his family was attacked by other noble families, his father was killed. Since his father's death, the opposing family was getting closer to the Vance family's home. Lesley immediately took his father's long shotgun, he started shooting at the opponent. Though tears flooded her cheeks, Lesley managed to defeat every enemy that came close with her father's rifle. Lesley was finally treated by this family, he was entrusted to take care of Harley the single heir of the Vance family. Harley is quite agile and sometimes like to make trouble, but Lesley can handle it. After hearing Harley go to the Land of the Morning, Lesley quietly followed her with his trusted rifle. After a long hard road, he meets Harley in the middle of a path that has changed from a childish boy to a grown man. Lesley decided to bring Harley to the Land of Dawn for Harley to become even more powerful.

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