
Kagura Cherry Witch by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Kagura Cherry Witch by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Kagura Cherry Witch by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karya oleh : FachriFHR
Follow FachriFHR di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : FachriFHR, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Kagura
- I Thought to Miss You, Another to Hate
- Curse, Simply Means Restriction
- There Are Two Kind of People in The World
- Do You Want to Be My Shinigami ?
- There Are Hundred of Monsters Living in My Umbrella
- I Thought You Are Very Lonely
- The Umbrella is Yang, The Human is Yin

Latar Belakang :
Master Onmyouji adalah master dari sastra Yin-Yang yang didorong oleh roh-roh yang kuat. Keluarga Kagura adalah yang tertua dan paling kuat di Onmyouji setara dengan yang paling tua Anchestor Master (Master Leluhur). Kagura adalah salah satu warga Onmyouji yang paling berpotensi dan telah diberi payung Seimei, sebuah pusaka seni Yin-Yang yang diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi. Legenda mengatakan payung tersebut sudah di disempurnakan oleh Seimei menggunakan kekuatan dari seratus hantu bahkan sekarang payung itu hanya dapat dikendalikan oleh pemiliknya yang sah. Setelah mengetahui teman masa kecilnya “Hayabusa” telah menuju ke Tanah Fajar untuk melakukan misi berbahaya, Kagura diam-diam pergi mengikuti langkah Hayabusa sambil membawa payungnya itu, ia berharap bisa membantunya di peperangan.
Background Kagura

Master Onmyouji is a master of Yin-Yang literature driven by powerful spirits. The Kagura family is the oldest and most powerful in Onmyouji equivalent to the oldest Anchestor Master (Master of Ancestors). Kagura is one of the most potent Onmyouji residents and has been given Seimei's umbrella, a Yin-Yang art heritage passed down from generation to generation. Legend has it that the umbrella has been perfected by Seimei using the power of a hundred ghosts even now that umbrella can only be controlled by its rightful owner. After knowing his childhood friend "Hayabusa" had headed to the Land of Dawn for a dangerous mission, Kagura quietly went following Hayabusa's steps while carrying his umbrella, hoping to help him in the war.

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