
Gord The Conqueror by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Gord The Conqueror by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Gord The Conqueror by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karya oleh : FachriFHR
Follow FachriFHR di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : FachriFHR, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Gord
- There is No Time to Chit Chat
- Face Yourself !
- I’m Not a Monster, I’m a Demon !
- Stop Pissing Me Off, I’ll Destroy You !
- You’ll Never Learn
- Mystic Magic is So Wonderful
- Imagination is The Driving Force To The Energy
- Bear My Wraith !
- Finally, I Can Take a Rest…

Latar Belakang :
Gord lahir di dunia sihir, bahkan memanipulasi energi sihir itu ibarat seperti nafas baginya. Kecintaan Gord terhadap sihir mistik sangatlah kuat dan dengan cepat ia bisa menguasai hampir semua mantra sihir yang paling kuat. Seiring bertambahnya usia, ketergantungannya terhadap ilmu sihir semakin parah sampai akhirnya lambang mistik meresap kedalam daging dan tulangnya sehingga merubah penampilannya.
Background Gord

Gord was born in the wizarding world, and even manipulating magic energy was like a breath to him. Gord's love of mystical magic was powerful and he quickly mastered almost all of the most powerful magic spells. As he grew older, his dependence on magic grew worse until finally the mystical emblem seeped into his flesh and bones so as to change his appearance.

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