
Gatot Kaca Arhat King by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Gatot Kaca Arhat King by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Gatot Kaca Arhat King by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karya oleh : FachriFHR
Follow FachriFHR di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : FachriFHR, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Gatot Kaca
- Muscle of Iron, Bone of Steel
- Om Telolet Om
- We are Unity in Diversity
- I am a Legend !
- Legends Never Surrender !
- No Pain, No Gain

Latar Belakang :
Gatot Kaca “Si Tulang Kawat” adalah anak Bima dan Arimbi dari alam semesta Arcapada. Sejak kecil, ia menjadi juara para dewa melawan setan di tanah airnya. Setelah dihajar dan dipukuli hampir mati, Gatot Kaca muncul sebagai pejuang perkasa dari klan Pandava yang memiliki kekuatan supernatural yang didapatnya semasa latihan didalam kuali surga, Candradimuka. Dengan baju besi Antakusuma dan sarung tangan kembar Brajamusti-Brajadenta, ia bisa terbang melintasi langit seperti petir dan memburu musuhnya “Ashuras” Si Kejam. Gatot Kaca, ksatria Pringgadani adalah simbol keberanian dan pengabdian.
Background Gatot Kaca

Gatot Kaca "The Bone Wire" is the son of Bima and Arimbi of the Arcapada universe. Since childhood, he became the champion of the gods against the devil in his homeland. After being beaten and beaten almost to death, Gatot Kaca emerged as a mighty warrior of the Pandava clan who possessed supernatural powers he had gained during his practice in the cauldron of heaven, Candradimuka. With Antakusuma's armor and Brajamusti-Brajadenta twin gloves, he can fly across the sky like a lightning and hunt down his cruel "Ashuras" enemy. Gatot Kaca, Pringgadani knight is a symbol of courage and devotion.

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