
Fanny Punk Princess by Defrikh - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Fanny Punk Princess by Defrikh - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Fanny Punk Princess by Defrikh - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Digambar oleh : Defrikh
Follow Defrikh di : Instagram
Copyright of : Defrikh, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Fanny
- For Victory !
- Sir, What’s Your Command !?
- War is Not a Game
- Affirmative

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Meski hanya menjadi manusia biasa, Fanny tidak pernah menyerah mengejar mimpinya untuk terbang. Dia sengaja menciptakan benda semacam kail baja untuk dirinya sendiri dengan harapan agar bisa mencapai tebing dan melambung diantara puncak gunung. Setelah latihan terus menerus di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya, akhirnya Fanny menguasai teknik ini. Orang-orang yang menyaksikan kehebatan Fanny menyebutnya sebagai Blade Of Freedom.
Background Fanny

Although only a human being, Fanny never give up pursuing his dream to fly. He deliberately created a kind of steel hook for himself in the hope of reaching the cliff and rising between the mountain peaks. After continuous practice in his neighborhood, Fanny finally mastered this technique. People who witnessed the greatness of Fanny call it the Blade Of Freedom.

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