
Cyclops S.A.B.E.R Blaster by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Cyclops S.A.B.E.R Blaster by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Cyclops S.A.B.E.R Blaster by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karya oleh : FachriFHR
Follow FachriFHR di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : FachriFHR, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Cyclops
- You Got a Good Chase
- Never seen someone handsome with one eye ?
- The Stars, are My Eyes…
- Yes, Cyclops is an Astronomer
- Don’t Run !
- Universal Gravitation Determines Planetary Interaction
- Hey ! I’m Here, Big Guy !
- Where There’s Life, There’s Movement
- Planetary Movement, Give Me Magic !

Latar Belakang :
Cyclops adalah raksasa dengan mata satu, ya setidaknya dia raksasa di tanah airnya sendiri. Cyclops terobsesi oleh bintang dan langit sejak ia masih kecil, ia memperhatikan sepanjang hari bahwa ternyata selama ini planet-planet terus bergerak. Gerakan semacam ini mengandung kekuatan magis. Dengan jam pasir untuk memuat dan mengendalikan gerakan semacam ini, dia menjadi “Starsoul Magician” yang terkenal di tanah airnya. Pergerakan planet tidak akan pernah berhenti, maka kekuatannya sangat kuat dan tak terkalahkan. Suatu hari, Cyclops tiba di Tanah Fajar saat melakukan perjalanan antariksa dan dia terkejut ada begitu banyak penentang kuat yang menunggunya untuk mengalahkannya. “Saya datang, saya melihat, saya menaklukan !” ujar Cyclops.
Background Cyclops

Cyclops is a giant with one eye, yes at least he's a giant in his own homeland. Cyclops has been obsessed with stars and skies since he was a child, he noticed all day long that as long as the planets continue to move. This kind of movement contains magical powers. With an hourglass to load and control such movements, he became the famous "Starsoul Magician" in his homeland. The movement of the planet will never stop, then its power is very strong and invincible. One day, Cyclops arrived in the Land of Dawn while on a space journey and he was surprised there were so many powerful opponents waiting for him to defeat him. "I came, I saw, I conquered!" Cyclops said.

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