
Akai Monk - Original Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Akai Monk - Original Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Akai Monk - Original Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Oleh : Mobile Legends : Bang Bang Developer
Copyright of : Mobile Legends, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Akai
- Let’s Go Out and Relax !
- Why am I Crying ? Because of Onions !
- I’m Not Fat, I’m just Chubby
- There is No Coincidiense in This World
- Let’s Roll !
- Come on, Give Me Some Food !
- You Just Need to Believe, You Have to Believe it !
- Yesterday Has Become The Past, The Future is Not Yet Known

Latar Belakang :
Seekor panda yang ceroboh berasal dari pedesaan yang jauh di timur, setiap malam selalu bermimpi menjadi pejuang yang hebat.
Akai, si gemuk dan ceroboh tidak seperti panda-panda lainnya, banyak orang bilang yang ia bisa hanyalah berguling-guling, tapi Akai ini tidak pernah menyiksa.
Setiap hari ia latihan dan berharap dapat mewujudkan mimpinya untuk menjadi pejuang yang terhormat.
Teman-teman mengoloknya, orangtuanya pun berkecil hati padanya tapi Akai tetap bertahan.
Suatu hari, seorang biksu tua misterius memperhatikan ketekunan Akai dan mulai membimbingnya. Akai berkembang dibawah bimbingan biksu tersebut, menguasai seni seruling.
Dia sekarang siap naik panggung dan membuktikan pada dunia bahwa ia adalah anggota bela diri yang layak !
Background Akai

A careless panda come from the far countryside in the east, every night always dream of being great fighter.
Akai, the fat and careless not like the pandas other, many people say that he can just roll around, but Akai this never tortures.
Every day he exercises and hopes to make it happen his dream to become an honorable warrior.
Friends mocked her, his parents were discouraged by him but Akai persisted. One day, a mysterious old monk noticed Akai's persistence and began to guide him. Akai flourished under the guidance of the monk, mastering the art of flute.
He is now ready to take the stage and prove to the world that he is a worthy martial artist!

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