
Karrie Bladed Mantis by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karrie Bladed Mantis by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karrie Bladed Mantis by FachriFHR - Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Karya oleh : FachriFHR
Follow FachriFHR di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : FachriFHR, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Karrie
- I’ve Been Waiting For Too Long
- Keep Up The Rhythm
- Speed, Percision, and Stregth
- One Strike, One Kill !

Latar Belakang :
Alaghat adalah kerajaan teknik misterius, disana terdapat ras manusia yang aneh “Yasson”. Mereka berwujud manusia tapi sepasang kakinya cacat, mereka tangkas dan terlahir untuk bertarung. Selain itu, mereka juga memiliki keterampilan yang memungkinkan mereka menciptakan peradaban yang berarti dan memusnahkan yang lain. Sejak Karrie masih kecil, ia sudah berbakat dan dilatih menjadi pemimpin pejuang yang luar biasa dan angkuh. Pada suatu pertempuran, ia terlalu percaya diri dan ceroboh hingga akhirnya terluka serius. Seorang tukang ramal dari ras lain menyelamatkannya dan menyuntikkan kesadarannya kedalam otak, mulai saat itu selalu ada suara didalam kepalanya. Peramal mengatakan kepadanya bahwa kehancuran akan segera menghampiri kerajaannya dan tidak ada lagi Yasson, Karrie tidak mempercayainya. Tapi dia mulai rada percaya setelah kembali dan melihat kondisi kerajaannya. Untuk melindungi kerajaannya, Karrie pergi ke Tanah Fajar. Takdir apa yang menunggunya ?
Background Karrie

Alaghat is a mysterious engineering empire, there is a strange human race "Yasson". They are human beings but their legs are defective, they are agile and are born to fight. In addition, they also have skills that enable them to create meaningful civilizations and destroy others. Since Karrie was a kid, she was talented and trained to be an extraordinary and arrogant warrior leader. In a battle, he was too confident and careless until he was seriously wounded. A fortune-teller from another race saved him and injected his consciousness into his brain, from then on there was always a voice inside his head. Soothsayer tells him that the devastation will soon come to his kingdom and no more Yasson, Karrie does not believe it. But he began to believe rada after returning and see the condition of his kingdom. To protect his kingdom, Karrie went to the Land of the Morning. What fate awaits him?

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