
Eudora Christmas Cheer by Metyuu - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Eudora Christmas Cheer by Metyuu - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Eudora Christmas Cheer by Metyuu - Lockscreen Wallpaper Mobile Legends

Digambar oleh : Metyuu
Follow Metyuu di : Facebook | Instagram | Deviantart
Copyright of : Metyuu, Masmochen

Quotes Hero Eudora
- Let’s See Who Has The Last Laught
- We Still Have a Score to Settle
- Would You Like to Have a Drink With Me ?

Latar Belakang :
Sejak dia menjadi murid seorang penyihir, bakat istimewa Eudora mengendalikan petir selalu mengejutkan bahkan banyak gurunya yang tidak menduga. Setelah periode pembelajaran yang singkat, gurunya bilang bahwa ia sudah menguasai semua apa yang harus diajarkan. Untuk meningkatkan ilmunya, Eudora jalan menuju Tanah Fajar, mempercayai bahwa kekuatannya akan meningkat disini.
Background Eudora

Ever since he became a disciple of a magician, Eudora's special talents in controlling lightning have always surprised even many of his unexpected teachers. After a short learning period, the teacher says that he has mastered all what should be taught. To improve his knowledge, Eudora's path to the Land of Dawn, believes that his strength will increase here.

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